I am pleased to welcome you to the new website of Samra Electric Power plant (SEPCO) which has been developed to complement our journey by keeping abreast of technological developments and in our endeavor to facilitate access to information.
This update reflects the latest developments that have taken place in the company's progress since the beginning of its establishment as a private company owned by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in 2004 until now. During those years, it became the largest producer of electric power in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, with a rate of about 33%, using modern technologies that take into account reliability, availability, high efficiency, and maintaining a clean environment within the international standard conditions. Samra Company has also expanded and now includes 6 power stations, one of them operates on conventional energy and five renewable energy stations. The company's progress was also accompanied by its continuous keenness to raise the efficiency of institutional performance, which culminated in obtaining many quality and environment certificates and various awards.
On behalf of Samra Company, I invite you to browse the site and learn more about the business of Samra Company. Because we seek to build sustainable relationships with our partners, we welcome any suggestion or communication through our website.
The General Manager