• Samra Electric Power plant

    We contribute in the largest share of electric power production in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, mainly through Samra Electric Power plant, which was designed according to the latest technology on the combined cycle principle.

  • Azraq Solar Complex

    We contribute in building a sustainable future for generations by generating electricity from alternative natural sources.

  • Maan Wind Farm

    We contribute in preserving the environment by using alternative natural sources to generate electric power.

  • Sheikh Zayed Solar Complex in Al Quweira

    We contribute in preserving the environment by using alternative natural sources to generate electric power.

  • Za’atari PV Plant

    We work to generate electric energy efficiently and effectively by using the latest technology.

  • South Amman PV Plant

    We contribute in preserving the environment by using alternative natural sources to generate electric power.

  • Samra Electric Power plant
  • Azraq Solar Complex
  • Maan Wind Farm
  • Sheikh Zayed Solar Complex in Al Quweira
  • Za’atari PV Plant
  • South Amman PV Plant

Samra Electric Power Company, a private shareholding company, established by the Government of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan on 20/04/2004 in implementation the Council of Ministers decision in its session held on 26/08/2003 to establish a company that undertakes electrical yearsactivity and is wholly Read More

0 The nominal capacity
0 The generating stations
0 The capital

The Vision, the Mission and the Core Values

Safety First

Health and safety of our employees and stockholders are the priority. 


We work in a team spirit to achieve our goals and exchange knowledge and skills so that our employees will be the best.

Continuous Improvement

We always strive to improve all operations in accordance with the best practices and acceptable quality levels, this is by enhancing our employee's innovations capabilities.  

Integrity and equal opportunities

Making decisions with transparency and equality, and adopting a mutual trust approach among all stakeholders.

Our vision

Our vision: A leading company* in generating electricity at the level of Jordan.

Our leadership is the pursuit of excellence in all technical, administrative and financial aspects.

Our mission

Generating electric power through available energy sources with the highest levels of efficiency, reliability and effectiveness, in accordance with the best international standards and practices.

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